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Eu tentei baixar mas é um vírus então nao baixem por  segurança <3

i need a PC version pls 😭

It's a virus so idk if u want it for PC bc I tried it

Wdym it's a virus? This specific mod itself?

I want PC :(

This is gacha cute...


like gacha nox

en gros il nous son arnaquer vo mieu suprimmer tt les gacha est metre gacha ultra c mieu :) 

It taked me to gacha cute and it was just gachq cuteᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Thats the mod base lmao-


its just gacha cute .-.


Thats the mod base-

oh o


It says app not installed

that happens to me all the TIME it means you donto have enough space



can you make a windows zip version plz

When i download it it takes me to gacha cafe

When I try to download the mod, it says that the application is gacha cute, i don't understand, could someone help me please ?


the mod base is gacha cute

Oh  okay


it is just apk vers in archive

pc vers is not work

pc pls((

Do i have to delete gacha club or different mod? If so what one?

(1 edit)

You need to delete space cadet gacha 

alright! :>

Mine Says I have to delete gacha universal T<T

Yes for their are two different versions for one you need to delete gacha universal for the other space cadet gacha 

It only appears as "gen_signed" when i try to download it.

that's it's file name apparently

That's okay, it's the file name dear

How do you download the mod?? Mime says app not installed.

(1 edit)

it says that all the time. All you have to do is keep trying for a while and it eventually works


Quando será lançada a versão para PC com Windows?